
Education is a priority for Ontario voters and it’s easy to see why.
Permanent, good jobs in education mean a better learning environment. And a better learning environment means students who are well prepared to contribute to our communities today and thrive in the economy of the future.
When we invest meaningfully in special education, we make life better for students who have special needs.
Likewise, investments in our colleges and universities pay real dividends to all. When everybody can afford a college or university education, all of our communities benefit.
Ontario colleges receive the lowest per-student funding in all of Canada.
Across the board, our education system is suffering from a lack of adequate stable funding, a dearth of full-time permanent jobs, and ever-increasing subcontracting and privatization of education services. This undermines and devalues our public education system upon which so many students depend.
From primary to post-secondary, our education system is suffering from a lack of investment, a dearth of full-time permanent jobs, and ever-increasing subcontracting and privatization. This is undermining and devaluing the public education system upon which we all depend.
Ontario colleges receive the lowest per-student funding in all of Canada. Meanwhile, the majority of college faculty and support staff are stuck in short-term, precarious jobs.
Families are struggling to ensure their special needs children receive the support they need.
And universities are privatizing their programs and services, entrusting our students to companies that put profit before all else.
That’s why #BetterEducation means a better Ontario; let’s #VoteBetter
Platform Priorities:
Provide free college and university tuition for all Ontarians.
Fix the province’s crumbling public school buildings and infrastructure.
Invest in frontline staff who provide education and support services for students at our boards of education, colleges, and universities.
Stop subcontracting and privatizing our public education programs and services.
Provide stable, long-term education funding that supports quality education services and good jobs.
College Faculty
The public expects Ontario’s colleges to be model employers and not temp agencies. Students go to college so they can get good quality jobs. Their teachers deserve the same. More full-time jobs for faculty means continuity of instruction and services, and stable programs for students.
Currently more than 75 per cent of all faculty in the college system are short-term, low wage workers. This is no way to create a quality post-secondary education system.
It is possible to improve the lives of Ontario’s precarious workers, including thousands of part-time faculty at our colleges. Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, includes equal pay for equal work provisions. Ontario must ensure that the colleges adhere to Bill 148 and all of its provisions.
Ontario colleges currently receive the lowest per-student funding in all of Canada.
Ontario colleges currently receive the lowest per-student funding in all of Canada. This puts the entire college system at risk. Colleges are engaging in dodgy international business ventures to compensate for underfunding. These can seriously backfire. One example is Algonquin College, which landed a nine million dollar bill when it put provincial tax dollars into a failed male-only Saudi campus.
More and more college services are contracted out including counselling, security, and food services. We can’t afford to play with the safety and mental health of students.
Platform priorities
Invest in a high-quality public college system
Support decent work and wages
Create a world class, quality college system by implementing collegial governance
College Support
Quality services at Ontario colleges must include supports that make post-secondary education accessible. But the contracting out of college support staff jobs means that mental health services, job counselling and healthy food options on campus are being affected.
Consistent funding results in stable programs and good jobs.
College Support Part-time workers number some 20,000 across the province. While Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act,addresses equal pay for equal work, there must be a commitment to honour this Bill and provide fair compensation to part-time and contract workers.
Ontario College management positions are up 77 per cent since 2002-03. Increasing the number of front-line support jobs would be a wiser investment.
Programs for our more vulnerable students are those being cut at the highest rates. Students with disabilities, new Canadians or those retraining following job loss, have dwindling access to the programs and support services they need at colleges in their communities.
Ontario colleges are implementing “strategic mandate agreements” which jeopardize student success. It is not always possible for students to move to another community to take the program they need. This short-sighted mandate is especially bad for adult learners, parents with young families, and our more vulnerable students.
Platform priorities
Fund quality services for students at Ontario colleges
Stop the contracting out of college services
Keep programs in our local communities to better serve students