In the event of a strike or lockout, OPSEU members at the LCBO will receive strike pay from the union by direct deposit to their personal bank or credit union accounts. To receive strike pay, each member must complete the OPSEU Members Personal Information Form, better known as “Form B.”
Here’s how to complete the form – and what to do with it after:
- Get a copy of Form B from an OPSEU mobilizer or a member of your Local Executive Committee, OR download it at
Fill out the form and sign it as indicated.
Get a member of your Local Executive Committee to sign your completed form.
Attach a void cheque (or a low-resolution scan or photo of a void cheque – see 5.c. below) to the form.
Submit your form and void cheque to OPSEU. Choose one of these four ways:
Give them to an OPSEU mobilizer.
Drop them off at your nearest OPSEU Regional Office.
Mail them to OPSEU Head Office, attention: LBED Mobilization, 100 Lesmill Road, Toronto, Ontario M3B 3P8.
Email a scanned .pdf of your form (with signatures), along with a low-resolution scan or photo of your void cheque, to [email protected].
You are done!