BPS Conference 2011

BPS Conference 2011


Sector 17 Meet and Greet

5-7 p.m.
Sheraton Hotel

Refreshments will be served

Posting of suite number will be displayed on the monitor during convention.

Any further information or questions, please contact:

905-317-9464 (Cell)

See you at the Conference.

Sector 17 elections

We elect our Sector representatives at the BPS Conference. We represent a variety of health care community workers in the province and encourage participation from all levels of this community, as described in our by-laws.

We are looking for members whose area of work is not yet represented on our executive committee. Why not consider representing your field of expertise by running for a position at the BPS conference starting on June 16, 2011?

Our membership consists of Member Locals and Member Units, which are composed of members of our Union who are employed in community-based health care in the Province of Ontario.


We would like to say welcome to our NEW PARAMEDICAL MEMBERS of our Sector.

These are our newest members in the Supportive Housing Program of the Grey-Bruce Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses. Employees of the unit working in Owen Sound, Meaford, Wiarton, Kincardine, Port Elgin, Southampton and Thornbury, OPSEU was chosen to be their Union in a vote held on March 24, 2011.

These new members will now get protections that never existed for them before. They are now part of our growing family of union members within the VON and will reap the benefits of connecting with other members in our Sector.

We also want to say thank you to our ORGANIZING DEPARTMENT who are always on the look out to empower workers in our province!

What is the goal of the CHCP?

To promote improved working conditions for the advancement of employees within a high quality health care delivery system.

Who are the workers in the community health care professionals sector 17?

"Health Care Professional" employee refers to an employee providing direct or indirect care who are employed by a community organization rendering health care to the public, who also has a governing body, a scope of practice and a code of ethics.

"Paramedical employee" refers to any other employee providing direct or indirect patient care, who is employed by a community organization rendering health care to the public.

We (the above) are represented in the OPSEU union as SECTOR 17, Community Health Care Professional. This is defined above (as per our by-laws).

Sector dues

Membership fees are calculated as $2.00 per member per year.

Notice has been sent out to all Treasurers. Please remit ASAP

Further information relating to dues can be directed to:

Susan McSheffrey

Community Health Care Professionals Division
128 Renfrew Avenue East
Renfrew, Ontario
L7V 2W9