January 10, 2012
We have created a survey in an effort to get to know our members in Sector 5 better. It is our hope that through the survey we can better understand the needs of our members and how we can best assist you in meeting those needs.
The survey is brief and completely anonymous.
The survey may be completed online, or in hardcopy. To complete the survey online, please visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8DLDJ9K. If completing the hardcopy, please utilize the self addressed and stamped envelope included with the survey. Please have the survey completed and returned to us no later than February 1, 2012.
We will present the results of this survey at our meeting at convention.
Thank you for your participation!
In Solidarity,
Amy Clements, Chair
Paula Charepe, Vice Chair
Matthew Bury, Secretary/ Treasurer
Lin McInnes, Member-at-Large