SEFPO Fonction Publique de l'Ontario

Corrections Division Local Presidents/Highest-Ranking Meeting, November 5, 2014

Corrections Division Local Presidents/Highest-Ranking Meeting, November 5, 2014


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Date: October 30, 2014
To: All OPSEU Local Presidents or Highest-Ranking LEC Corrections Division Members
From: Tom O’Neill, Chair, Corrections Bargaining Team
Subject: Corrections Meeting, November 5, OPSEU Head Office

All Local Presidents or Highest-Ranking LEC members in OPSEU’s Corrections Division (MCSCS Institutions and Community Corrections; and MCYS Institutions and Community Corrections) are invited to a meeting with the OPS Bargaining Team.

Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Time: 1300 – 1600 hours
Location: OPSEU Head Office Theatre, 100 Lesmill Road, North York

This meeting, requested by members of the Division, will discuss the demand setting process held by the Division.

Locals are individually required to pay for their members attending this meeting.

It is hoped that as many members as possible will participate at the OPSEU’s head office meeting location. Nevertheless, OPSEU will set up audio/video conference links to any regional office at which members have indicated they will attend (instead of coming to H.O.)

In order to have all the proper equipment in place, all members attending this meeting must indicate they are doing so NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 3, 2014. Please indicate by sending an email to Mary-Anne Di Adamo [email protected] with the subject line “Corrections Meeting November 5” and state the location at which you will attend (OPSEU Head Office or a Regional Office.)

The agenda for the meeting is attached. I look forward to seeing everyone next Wednesday.

In solidarity,
Tom O’Neill