Services de Développement

Developmental Services Worker Appreciation Day 2012

Developmental Services Worker Appreciation Day 2012


Stand up for Developmental Services on Worker Appreciation Day

January 19 marks the sixth annual Developmental Services Worker Appreciation Day. Communities across Ontario are highlighting the need to “Stand-up for Developmental Services” as we face the threat of serious cuts in 2012.

In response to this attack, OPSEU is supporting and participating in "the Commission on Quality Public Services and Tax Fairness", an initiative of the Public Services Foundation of Canada (PFSC). Developmental Services workers have been getting the message out in their communities by making written submissions and attending Hearings and Town Hall forums.

As noted by President Smokey Thomas, “this PSFC hearing process provides OPSEU members and many community groups with a place where their voices and views can be heard. The Drummond Commission mandate eliminated these important voices from the government’s process.”

The PSFC is a national research and advocacy organization dedicated to defending and promoting the value of high quality public services. The Commission is conducting Hearings and Town Hall forums in 12 communities across the province in January and February 2012.

Developmental Services workers in community-based agencies provide professional care to people with developmental disabilities through programs designed to enrich their lives in every way possible. The work they do is varied, providing life skills and other training; support with basic personal tasks, and administering medications. Developmental Services workers provide support to individuals in community residences and in their own homes.

Please consult for a schedule of PSFC Hearings and Town Hall forums.