Santé et sécurité bannière

Feb 29, 2012—13th Annual International Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Day

Feb 29, 2012—13th Annual International Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Day


Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI’s)   don’t make the headlines. They can be creeping pains or acute injuries that create pain and disability for life. Can you imagine being unable to lift up your child, or open a jar, or do gardening, or surf the internet?  Can you imagine budgeting the use of your hands for the day? Do you think about where to sit and how?  People who suffer from these injuries have to think and plan every aspect of life. Things the rest of us don’t think about or that we take for granted.

RSI is a generic term used to group a broad number of overuse injuries that affect the muscles, tendons, and nerves of the neck, upper and lower back, shoulders, arms, and hands. These overuse injuries can progress to become crippling disorders that reduce workers quality of life.

With over 43% of WSIB claims, the sheer number of RSI injuries in Ontario demonstrates that workers cannot rely on voluntary employer actions and voluntary guidelines. It is time now for the Government of Ontario to show that it is serious about reducing the leading cause of workplace injuries. It is time now for Ontario to make ergonomics regulations requiring employers to take specific measures to address this danger. It is time now for the hurting to stop.

RSI day is on February 29th, the only day that does not repeat in the calendar. It is usually commemorated on the 28th. This year, for a change, it really is on February 29th; This RSI day the Government of Ontario should pledge to stop repeating the failed policies of the past.

On this day:

Workers are demanding action.

We want the Ontario Legislature to ask why nothing is being done to reduce the leading cause of workplace injury.


In Toronto – Injured workers and worker side WCB and Health & Safety Reps are invited to a free information session. ” The Controversy over Low Back Pain

Ontario Workers can also attend:

Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers OHCOW are hosting an ergonomics conference at Cambrian College that can be attended online

The Workers Health and Safety Centre (WHSC) is offering reduced cost ergonomics training at locations across Ontario
