SEFPO Nouvelles bannière

Media Advisory: OPSEU greets Ontario Liberal Leadership delegates

Media Advisory: OPSEU greets Ontario Liberal Leadership delegates



OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas will be there early Saturday morning to greet the Ontario Liberal Leadership Convention delegates as they arrive at Maple Leaf Gardens. Thomas will be joined by OPSEU Vice-President/Treasurer, Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida as well as members of the OPSEU Executive Board and hundreds of OPSEU members from all over Ontario.

What: Rally
When: Saturday, January 26
Time: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Place: Maple Leaf Gardens, 60 Carlton Street at Church Street, Toronto

"It is time for an Ontario Premier who stands for the 99 per cent," says Thomas.

OPSEU members will be handing out flyers and stickers as delegates arrive, and asking them NOT to choose a leader like Dalton McGuinty.

"Ontario needs a Premier who values our democratic rights and will stand up for the best interests of the people of this province. We are asking delegates to consider which candidates have the closest ties to Bay Street, which candidates draw their support from big corporations. Our new Premier must put people before profits," says Thomas.

"It"s time to put a stop to Ontario"s growing income inequality," says Almeida. "Concentration of wealth in the hands of the few has been the trend for too long. As union members, we know what it means to fight for living wages, for human rights, to stand up for the little guy. And we expect nothing less from our political leaders."

Buses of OPSEU members and concerned citizens depart as early as 2 am to make it in time for the early morning rally. Attendees come from as far away as Sudbury, Kingston, Ottawa, Orillia and Barrie.

For more information:

Emily Visser, OPSEU Communications: 416-557-7936