Services de Développement

Please act now to fund Ontario’s developmental services!

Please act now to fund Ontario’s developmental services!


Letter-writing action: Help “Seal the Deal”

Tell the Minister of Finance, Dwight Duncan, to invest in Developmental Services today!

The 2011 Provincial Budget fails to recognize the urgent needs of this chronically under-funded sector. Send a letter to Minister Dwight Duncan today, and demand that the province commit to funding quality services now. A copy of this letter will also go to the Minister of Community and Social Services, Madeleine Meilleur.

Just click on the link below and send a pre-formatted email.

Note: Please be sure to include your name and mailing address in the body of the e-mail .We recommend that you send your message from your personal e-mail account, not your work computer.

Download a PDF version of the letter here.

Text version

Send email to:  [email protected]
cc: [email protected]
bcc: [email protected]


Dear Minister Duncan:

Please act now to fund Ontario"s developmental services!

As the Minister of Finance, I am asking you to support a very important government initiative on behalf of Developmental Services.

Ontario citizens living with disabilities and their families depend on quality services delivered by the experienced and qualified staff in the Developmental Services Sector. This past year the Ministry of Labour undertook an initiative to facilitate discussions between the Ministry of Community and Social Services (COMSOC), employers and unions to stabilize and strengthen this vital sector. Unfortunately talks broke off in March due to lack of sustainable funding for the sector.

The unions and employers have some real concerns that COMSOC"s current funding mandate is unrealistic in maintaining the current level of service the sector delivers to its vulnerable clients.

Your Ministry is critical to supporting the infrastructure to fund these agencies across the province, and to ensure that quality services will be available to the clients that rely on them for their daily needs.

A Provincial Discussion Table (PDT) agreement between all the parties will provide a new framework that will go a long way to ensure the sustainability of these vital services.

I am asking you to allocate funds to COMSOC to support the critical discussions that will have a direct impact on every community in Ontario.

Please act now. We can"t lose this opportunity.
