SEFPO Fonction Publique de l'Ontario

Tele Town Hall Update from OPSEU President

Tele Town Hall Update from OPSEU President


Last week’s OPS Tele Town Halls (TTH) were a big success. Thousands of OPS members joined the meetings by telephone to discuss important issues with the chairs of the bargaining team.

A few callers were not able to get through because of technical difficulties.  At the time, we thought it would be best to hold another town hall; however, negotiations are progressing, and we are holding off for now until there are further developments to share with you.

With the end of the contract term approaching, the bargaining teams are pushing hard at the table.

Until we talk again, please stay in touch. Check online for bargaining news and the quick and easy way to email your MPP. Talk with local activists, mobilizers, and union staff. If you have questions they can’t answer, please email [email protected] and we’ll try to get the information for you. 

I can’t thank the members enough for their support for the bargaining teams. Three-quarters of OPS members who voted during the town hall polls said they would take action. It makes a huge difference when employer representatives know they’re sitting across the table from not only the OPS bargaining teams, but the 36,000 members they represent.

I hope to speak with you at the next Tele Town Hall! Let’s keep working together to bargain for quality public services, safe and secure workplaces, and to prevent privatization.

Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President