SEFPO Fonction Publique de l'Ontario

The Anti Discrimination Systemic Change Program

The Anti Discrimination Systemic Change Program


Youth Justice Services

November 12, 2009 Minutes from ADSC Meeting – October 14-15, 2009. more…

August 17, 2009 The Youth Justice Services Anti Discrimination Systemic Change Committee is a joint OPSEU and Ministry table created to ensure that our workplaces are inclusive and free from discrimination and harassment.

We are now in the second year of this initiative within Youth Justice. So far we have been able to meet with most of the Local Employee Relations Committees and Regional Employee Relations Committees across the Division in order to introduce the forthcoming initiatives. Work is underway as we continue to design, develop and implement the programs to eliminate barriers and provide full workplace participation for all Youth Justice Services Division staff.

We are pleased to report the following initiatives have been implemented to date.

  • The official launch of the program
  • The establishment of an OPSEU assistance line for questions/complaints regarding harassment or discrimination at 1-800-268-7376 Ext. 8789
  • Fixed term contracts for Youth Services Officers are extended on an annual basis as applicable.
  • All staff have access to information electronically through computers located at all worksites across the province.
  • Ongoing conflict resolution training (interest based problem solving) that will be completed in October.

We will continue to provide updates as various other initiatives are implemented. An information brochure will soon be available for all Youth Justice Staff. Please feel free to contact the Co-Chair and or any other member of the steering committee as listed below for further information.

Co-Chair Glenna Caldwell [email protected] (905) 433 7612 x 304

Jack Hopkins (519) 524 2107

Percy Trapper (905) 372 5451 x 272

Roy Smiley (905) 683 1250 x 205