Division des Employés de la régie des alcools

2013 Collective Bargaining: News Alert Issue #1: Wear your ‘Good Luck’ stickers in the workplace Mar. 15-17


In the spirit of the St. Patrick’s Day weekend, liquor board employees across Ontario are being urged by their bargaining team to wear their ‘Good Jobs Don’t Rely on Good Luck’ sticker buttons this upcoming weekend, Mar. 15-17.

Click here to download

lbed_news_alert_large_icon.jpg If you have not received your stickers, the team is asking that you wear your ‘Our Community Needs Good Jobs’ buttons.

“We thought this weekend would be a fabulous opportunity to share our ‘Good Jobs’ message among ourselves and with the public,” said Denise Davis, chair of Liquor Board Employees Division (LBED) bargaining team.

By reminding the public that good jobs should not rely on good luck, it’s another way of telling our employer that the contract offer it has put on the bargaining table is unacceptable. The LCBO wants all of us – regardless of our classification – to take a wage freeze until 2017.

The wage freeze is just the tip of the iceberg. The LCBO wants to freeze wage progression; wants to base promotion on ‘merit’ not seniority and wants to add another level on our already multi-tiered wage grid.

These “offers” are nothing but outrageous! And they’ll especially harm casual employees who make up more than 60 per cent of the LCBO unionized workforce but who earn less income for doing the equal work of others.

So, on Mar. 15-17 wear your ‘Good Jobs Don’t Rely on Good Luck’ stickers in all our workplaces. Wear the stickers with pride! It’s our way of building a better contract for all of us.

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