Société Canadienne du Sang

Bloodletters May 2014


Negotiations continue…

We met with the Employer April 22-25, 2014, and had long discussions about some key issues. The Bargaining Team is committed to achieving a fair collective agreement for all and to that end we had many questions and raised concerns with the employer regarding some of their proposals.

Although there was not much progress in terms of actual bargaining, the team felt it was important to get the employer’s response to the questions and concerns we had before moving forward with our proposals.

We have more bargaining dates May 13-15, 2014, and will provide updates as they become available.

Bargaining Team update

We have a new member on the Bargaining Team: Keith Davies, a Lab Assistant from Local 200 (Brampton), has joined the team. We would like to thank Gus Dino Kourlas for his time spent and contributions.

Your Bargaining Team:

Local 477 – Wendy Lapointe (Chair)
Local 160 – Katherine Zan-Payne
Local 200 – Keith Davies
Local 210 – Leigh Anne Siebert
Local 5103 – Audrey Smith
Staff Negotiator – Anastasios Zafiriadis

We thank you for continued support.

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