SEFPO Fonction Publique de l'Ontario

Corrections Division LockTalk, June 6, 2011

Investigations committee formed

The MCSCS MERC has reached an agreement and has formed a short-term sub-committee called the Investigations Process Committee. The mandate of this committee is to review, discuss and provide input to items related to the following:

  • The investigations process for Section 22 investigations;
  • Surveillance equipment usage;
  • Notifications of increases in surveillance equipment;
  • Development of informational materials related to Section 22 investigations

Though this committee will not resolve all our issues with the Section 22 process, we now have a forum in which to bring forward our concerns and move towards change. The goal of this committee is to bring about a more standard practice with the roles of all participants to be recognized, and to develop a “best practice” for Section 22 investigations.

PO3 Grievance Update

On June 3 the employer and the union appeared at the Grievance Settlement Board before the Vice Chair Bram Herlich in the matter of the PO3 grievance.

Both parties presented their arguments in regard to the remedy that will be ordered to satisfy the previous decision on the PO3 grievance.

The union has put forth that that all POs should progress from the top of the PO2 wage grid into the appropriate step upon the PO3 wage grid. 

The employer has argued that they have fulfilled the requirements of the Board’s decision because they will be posting four PO3 positions in both ministries. 

Vice Chair Herlich has taken the arguments and will issue a decision in the near future.   

The Position Description Reports for the four positions that the employer is proposing in each ministry are attached in PDF form. It is the union’s position that these job descriptions are more like Assistant Area manager jobs rather than bargaining unit positions.

Attendance stats on target

Attendance stats are currently on target for receiving the incentive 2011 bonus under COR 15 of the Collective Agreement.

According to Ministry figures, based on usage for the first three months of this year Correctional Officers and Youth Services Officers could hit the 3 per cent target.

“Save Our Jails” campaign now on the road

The “Save Our Jails” campaign has reached the end of the first phase with the government deciding to shut down the Legislature until after the fall election. With that comes an end to our lobbying at Queens Park and we will now take our campaign out into the ridings and the election trail.

The Central Employees Relation Committee has organized a meeting for all OPS MERC members and local OPS presidents on June 17-18. Our goals through the fight back are to advocate for quality public services, good jobs in our communities and enforce our members’ rights through the OPS layoffs announced in the March 29 budget. Our objectives are to equip ourselves with the strategies and tools for vigorous contract enforcement and effective mobilization.

In Memoriam

Darlene Humeniuk

As many of you know we lost union sister Darlene Humeniuk on April 23, 2011. Darlene was a proud OPSEU member from Region 1 and she always found time for her family, friends and members.

Darlene was a probation officer in MCYS and she was the Co-Chair on the Western Regional Employee Relations Committee. She spent time working on behalf of our members and she was also involved in many charities. She had an impact on many of us and will be missed.  

Original authorized for distribution by Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President, Dan Sidsworth, MCSCS MERC Chair and Glenna Caldwell, MCYS MERC Chair.

Ontario Public Service Employees Union, 100 Lesmill Road, Toronto, Ontario M3B 3P8P8

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Previous Issues of LockTalk

December 22, 2011
September 23, 2010
September 15, 2010
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February 10, 2010
January 29, 2010
December 24, 20099
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June 3, 2009
May 14, 2009
March 27, 2009
March 24, 2009
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December 5, 2008
July 17, 2008
June 26, 2008
May 26, 2008

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