SEFPO Fonction Publique de l'Ontario

Court Reporter Update – June 1, 2010

Since our last update, over 500 Court Reporters have contacted us to provide information about their transcript work. We couldn’t be more pleased! More…

We would like to thank three of your colleagues, whose determination and organization, made the collection of the data so successful. Helen Haggith (Windsor Court), Marlene Hollingsworth (Welland Court) and Pirjo Ojanen (Toronto Court) organized the work and returned the many phone calls and emails that we received.

All of your employment information has been submitted through the grievance process. We know that this information was not easy to gather and we appreciate your efforts in helping to hold the Ministry of the Attorney General accountable.

Our original continuation date of June 2nd has been adjourned and we will now go ahead on June 23rd. and July 22nd.  

As this is your only source for accurate information, continue to watch for updates. Thank you again for your assistance in this next phase of the process.