Communiqués bannière

Future of health unit: OPSEU President Thomas to attend Owen Sound Town Hall Feb. 24

OWEN SOUND – Ontario Public Service Employees Union President Warren (Smokey) Thomas will be among those in attendance at a forum on the future of public health in Grey Bruce to be held at the Days Inn in Owen Sound Feb. 24.

OPSEU represents about 80 program assistants and pro-tech staff at the Grey Bruce Health Unit, including staff laid off after last summer’s eight week strike.

Vicki McKenna, First vice-president of the Ontario Nurses Association, will also be in attendance representing GBHU nurses.

Health unit officials will also be invited to attend, as will MPP Bill Murdoch.

Thomas says this is an opportunity for Grey and Bruce residents to voice their concerns about the direction of public health in the region and about the services provided by the GBHU.

“The GBHU has been a high profile issue in this community, and the public should have an opportunity to have their say on how these public dollars are spent,” said Thomas.

GBHU program assistants waged an eight-week strike last summer and then many faced layoff after the move to the new waterfront building.

“The choices the health unit makes on how to spend public dollars affect all local residents, and any cuts made to pay for the new building will ultimately affect programs delivered by the unit,” Thomas said.


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