Professionnels Hospitaliers bannière

Hospital Professionals At The Table, Issue 1, January 13, 2014


Bargaining news for members of OPSEU’s Hospital Professional Division: Issue 1

Bargaining set to begin

On November 29-30, members of the OPSEU Hospital Professionals Division met for the Provincial Demand Set Meeting. Since then, your team has been meeting to prepare for the first face-to-face session with the employer at the bargaining table.

Bargaining will begin January 21-24, 2014. We have also booked February 11-13 to meet with the employer, and set mediation dates (if needed) from March 7-10.

Sandi Blancher, Bargaining Team Chair, said that with a new Premier in place the team is hopeful a negotiated settlement can be reached.

“We are getting signals that Kathleen Wynne is looking to keep labour peace in the province, and provide fair settlements where possible,” Blancher said. “We will be moving forward with a position that is reasonable and achievable if the employer is prepared to bargain responsibly.”

The Hospital Professionals Central Agreement expires on March 31, 2014.

The right health care ALL the time

There is a lot of talk coming from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care with respect to the so-called “Patient-Based Funding” formula. This initiative will, according to Health Minister Deb Matthews, see hospitals funded based on how many patients they see, the services they deliver, the quality of those services and other specific community needs.

“Our current funding model for hospitals is out of date and doesn’t reflect the needs of the communities they serve,” Matthews said in a March 2012 press release. “As part of our Action Plan we are implementing a system that funds hospitals to increase services where needed, deliver quality care more efficiently and serve more patients.”

Our message to the Health Minister is clear, and much more succinct: OPSEU HPD members deliver the right health care, ALL the time, in hospitals right across this province.

Your HPD 2014 Bargaining Team Members

Sandi Blancher, Chair, Local 106
Betty Palmieri, Vice-Chair, Local 206
Sara Labelle, Local 348
Yves Shank, Local 659
John Francis, Local 346
Brendan Kilcline, Local 444
Vince Gobind, Local 311
Rob Field, Senior Negotiator
Michèle Dawson Haber, Senior Research Officer

Authorized for distribution:
Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President

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