Services de Développement

Kicking into high gear


The members from Community Living Thunder Bay (CLTB), Local 740 and Avenue II Community Program Services, Local 738 headed to the Thunder Bay Labour Centre today to get their picket signs ready.

Developmental Services workers want a contract that values the work that they do, improvements for part-time workers, and a decent wage for everyone.

"Clients are being moved out of their homes by the employer already" said Erin Rice, President, Local 740,"Their actions have just kicked our members into high gear."

"The employer should concentrate on negotiating a fair contract instead of focusing on a strike," added Silvana Cacciatore-Roy, President, Local 738.

Failing a settlement, over 400 Developmental Services workers will be in a legal strike position on September 24 at midnight.

Local 738 is scheduled to be at the bargaining table September 23. Local 740 have no further dates scheduled.

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