Be at the BPS Conference!
As Municipal employees, we will face tough bargaining over the next three years. Already, some of our employers have come to “the table” with draconian demands! They are not only talking wage freezes – which we all know equate to claw backs – but looking at language that violates our basic rights as Canadian citizens under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom and Human Rights legislation.
We need to come together as locals to support each other, and more importantly; to learn from each other. What demands are being tabled by both sides? What strategies have worked to beat down Employer demands? What settlements have been negotiated? What issues were most important to the Locals? What was the most effective way to mobilize members around negotiations and garner support for Negotiating Teams?
We must get involved with our Sector and attend our Conference this year. We need to develop strategies to deal with Municipal Governments, network with other Sector 13 Locals and stay in contact with each other. We need to be heard at the BPS Conference and advocate with other Sector Locals to get support to champion issues and concerns that are particular to Municipal Government workers. We will need the support of our Union Sisters and Brothers in all Sectors when it comes time for us to take our employer to task and fight the fight that OPS Locals are faced with right now.
Locals are urged to maximize delegate entitlement to ensure the voice of Municipalities is represented and heard!
Your delegate entitlement in accordance with Sector Bylaws is as follows:
Article 6: Delegate Entitlement
6.1 Delegate entitlement for each Unit/Local shall be as follows:
Up to 75 members – Two (2) delegates;
Over 75 members – Three (3) delegates.
(For example, a local of 25 members can send two delegates; a local of 76 members can send three delegates)
6.2 Sector Executive members are automatic delegates and are not part of the delegate count for the Unit/Local.
Sheraton Centre, Toronto June 17, 18 and 19, 2011
June 17, 2011
- Conference Plenary
June 18, 2011
- Educational “Attendance Awareness” (a.m.)
- Sector 13 Meeting (p.m.)
(bring your copy of the Sector Bylaws)
June 19, 2011
- * Elections for Sector 13 Executive Committee Members (a.m.)
(See page 2 for duties of Officers)
Duties of the Officers of the Executive Committee
In accordance with the Sector Bylaws, duties of the Officers of the Executive Committee are provided below:
The Chair of the Sector Committee or the Chair’s designee shall:
- represent the Sector at the Sector Chairs’ Committee;
- attend all regular meetings of the Executive, as necessary;
- enforce compliance with the by-laws and regulations of the Sector;
- be an ex-officio member of the Regional/Central Negotiating Team;
- the Chairperson of the Sector Executive and the Chairperson of the Negotiating Team shall not be the same person;
- preside at Sectoral meetings;
- be an ex-officio member of all Sectoral Committees;
- generally supervise the affairs and operations of the Sector; and
- carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Sector by-laws.
The Vice-Chair shall
- attend all meetings of the Executive and Sector;
- in the absence of the Chair, perform all duties and functions of the Chair; and
- accept and exercise such other duties as may be designated by the Executive or the Chair.
The Secretary shall:
- attend all meetings of the Sector and the Executive and keep minutes;
- accept and exercise such other duties as may be designated by the Executive or the Chair.
The Treasurer shall:
- attend all meetings of the Sector and the Executive;
- be responsible for the proper administration of the operating funds of the sector;
- file an audit report on a form specified by Head Office when requested to do so;
- accept and exercise such other duties as may be designated by the Executive or the Chair.
Political Action/Communication Co-ordinator
The Political Action/Communication Co-ordinator shall:
- attend all meetings of the Sector and the Executive;
- accept and exercise such other duties as may be designated by the Executive or the Chair.
SECTOR 13 EXECUTIVE 2009 – 2011
Chair: Tara Langford
Vice-Chair: Peter Pautler
Secretary: Patricia Hicks
Treasurer: Emily Alexander
Political Action/Communications Co-ordinator: Diane DeJong
Original authorized for distribution:
Tara Langford, Sector 13 Chair
Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President