January 7, 2010
“Dialogue,” the newsletter of the OPSEU Health Care Divisional Council is now “DiaBlogue” – a new interactive web BLOG. The site will feature regular news and commentary on Ontario’s Health System.
“What’s happening in one health sector often impacts another,” says Jill McIlwraith, Chair of the OPSEU Health Care Divisional Council. “By sharing our stories we will strengthen our ability to react to change and build solidarity among our 35,000 health care members as well as to those who take an interest in the future of our health system.”
McIlwraith gives the example of home care and long term care. Without resources in these sectors, more patients are unable to be discharged from hospitals, creating more workload and budget stress.
The new BLOG gives readers the option to receive automatic notifications when new posts are placed on the site. Comments are also welcome, but will be moderated before posting.
The BLOG will collect relevant links to other supportive health care advocacy groups.
“If we follow the narrative of events shaping our system, it makes it easier to play a more proactive role and identify both threats and opportunities,” says McIlwraith.
The HCDC originally called its newsletter “Dialogue” because the Council wanted to create discussion about the changes members were experiencing. “DiaBlogue” now gives the Council greater tools to carry this out.
“When it comes to health care – we’re all stakeholders,” says McIlwraith.
Check out DiaBlogue at http://opseudiablogue.wordpress.com/