Division des Employés de la régie des alcools

Questions and answers about the 2013 LBED Ratification Vote


Q. When does the vote take place?
Voting takes place June 3-4, 2013.

Q. How will the vote be conducted?
The vote is conducted by secret ballot.

Q. What will be the wording on the ballot?
YES I accept the contract offer.
NO I reject the contract offer.

Q. Who can vote?
All employees in the bargaining unit(s) represented by OPSEU are eligible to vote. That includes all OPSEU members and OPSEU non-members, including full-time, part-time, casual, seasonal, fixed term employees. It includes those who have not signed union cards. Members on Long Term Income Protection (LTIP), Worker’s Compensation, maternity and other leaves are also entitled to vote.

Q. What happens if the majority of members who vote accept the agreement?
The tentative agreement becomes your new collective agreement, which expires March 31, 2017.

Q. What happens if the majority of members who vote reject the agreement?
The bargaining team would then attempt to get the employer back to the bargaining table and continue negotiating. However, the employer is under no obligation to do so, and since we have a valid strike vote in place we would likely be on strike or the employer could lock us out within a very short time.

Q. I am away on the vote dates. Can I vote in advance?
No. Under OPSEU policy, there are no advance polls and no proxy voting allowed.

Q. I work in a remote location far from any ballot locations. How will I vote?
If it is determined that it is impossible for you to attend a balloting location, you will be eligible to vote by phone. You will receive a package by mail with instructions and your pin number.  Your store and or local number will not be included on the voter’s list if they have been identified as remote locations.

Q. If I receive a phone-in pin number can I also have the option of voting at a polling station?
You should make every effort to vote by June 4 by phone. If you are on the phone-in list and you show up to vote at a ballot location your vote will be segregated.

Important: If you are having difficulties with your pin number or you did not receive a mail-in package and your store is eligible to vote by phone, please call 1-800-268-7376 ext. 8423 for assistance on June 3 or 4.

Q. Where will I vote?
The OPSEU Regional Offices will be responsible for making the necessary vote location arrangements. Voting locations and times can also be found at lbedbargaining.org

Q. Can I vote closer to where I live or in a different region?
All members across the province are encouraged to vote within their own Local and Region. If you vote at a different polling location from that of your assigned local, your ballot will be segregated.

Q. I have a disability that will prevent me from attending a balloting location. How will I vote?
Every effort will be made to make all balloting locations accessible to persons with disabilities. Those employees who cannot be accommodated at the balloting location are to inform their Local, who will in turn let OPSEU know.

Q. What do I need for identification in order to vote?
Any proper identification is acceptable, e.g. union card, work-issued identification, driver’s licence, etc.

Q. What happens if I am not on the voter’s list?
If your name is not on the voter’s list, you will still be allowed to vote providing you have a piece of identification (a current pay stub is also preferred). Your vote will then be segregated in a manner that does not allow anyone to know how you voted. OPSEU staff will then attempt to verify you as a member of the bargaining unit.

Q. How are votes tabulated?
Votes are counted province-wide. A majority of more than 50 per cent is needed to either accept or reject the tentative agreement.

Q. On count day, will anyone from my Local be present?
On counting day, a minimum of one member per polling station is entitled to attend the counting sessions as scrutineers. The assigned staff or Designated Returning Officer (DRO) will be assigning members.

Q. When will vote results be released?
The count will be conducted immediately following the closing of the final polling stations at 9 p.m. on June 4. Vote results will be made public as soon as possible following the count.

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