Communiqués bannière

The Niagara Parks Commission and OPSEU Reach a Four-Year Contract Agreement

NIAGARA FALLS – The Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) and its Parks Employees, members of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) Local 217, are pleased to announce a new four-year contract agreement has been reached and ratified by both parties.

The new collective agreement, which was approved by members of Local 217 on Thursday January 21, and by NPC’s Board on January 22, includes wage and benefit adjustments, as well as improvements in contract language surrounding working conditions and seniority. Employee wages will rise by a total of 5.5 per cent over the course of this four-year agreement.

According to NPC General Manager John Kernahan, the Commission was pleased to endorse this settlement. “This contract recognizes the important working relationship we have with our staff, while at the same time providing us with the cost certainty we need during these challenging tourism times.”

OPSEU negotiator Patricia Habermann stated, “The Local bargaining team believes the changes to this Collective Agreement are fair and resolve some of the key issues that are priorities for our members. I want to thank everyone involved, including the local bargaining team for their hard work and dedication to the local, all the members of the bargaining unit and OPSEU.”

The new Collective Agreement is effective November 1, 2009, and will conclude on October 31, 2013.