Rally for Decent Work Saturday, October 1

OPSEU Supports the Fight for $15 & Fairness
Ontario’s Ministry of Labour is reviewing the laws that govern our workplaces. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to win real improvements for all workers, whether they have a union or not.
Join OPSEU, the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Fight for $15 & Fairness on Oct. 1 to rally for decent work for all.
Stronger minimum employment standards for ALL workers:
- Rules that promote fulltime, permanent work
- Equal pay for equal work
- Fair scheduling
- At least three weeks paid vacation
- Paid sick days with no requirement for medical notes
- Hold employers responsible for wages and working conditions even if they use temp agencies and sub-contractors
- An end to contract flipping
- Proactive enforcement of the law
Rules that make it easier to join and keep a union:
- A return of card-check certification to prevent intimidation
- Access to first contract arbitration to stop union busting
- Successor rights for workers employed by subcontractors
- An anti-scab law to stop strike breaking
Rules to protect vulnerable & precarious workers
- Stronger protections for workers who stand up for their rights
- Protection from unjust dismissal
- An end to workplace harassment and bullying
A $15 Minimum Wage
No worker with a full-time job should live in poverty. It’s time to raise
Ontario’s minimum wage to $15 an hour!

Saturday, October 1
Queen’s Park, 1 P.M.
Join us for this family-friends rally with music, activities, special guests, and more!