Public sector the key


As we enter the new year, Ontario is facing an economic crisis the likes of which few of us have witnessed before.

In tough times, with heavy job losses in the private sector, many families rely on a public-sector pay cheque — and so do the communities in which those families live.

That’s why all levels of government must take immediate action to strengthen our economy and effectively address the global economic calamity that is impacting Ontario and Canada.

To do this, governments must infuse the public sector with badly-needed resources. In the face of the most severe economic downturn since the 1930s, now is definitely not the time to cut back on public services or public sector wages.

Any moves that cut wages and jobs for working people will add to the problem, while a strategy that puts money in workers" pockets is a good one.

We"re hearing some of the right words from our Premier, but what"s missing a sweeping plan for bold action.

It’s time to reinvest in our community colleges to educate young people for the jobs needed to carry Ontario forward.

It will take added provincial spending to create well-paying jobs and to help transform bad jobs into good ones.

It’s time to reinvest in our health care system and in the public services that safeguard the health and safety of the people of Ontario.

Now more than ever we must begin to pull together in common cause:  Nothing less than the future well-being of our province depends on it.

In solidarity,

Warren (Smokey) Thomas

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