Division de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies

La Division de la santé mentale a été fondée en 2001 afin de prêter une voix forte et commune au sein du OPSEU/SEFPO pour sensibiliser les gens et contribuer au traitement des troubles de santé mentale et des dépendances. Nous représentons tout juste 8 000 membres dans des hôpitaux publics autrefois appelés hôpitaux psychiatriques provinciaux, ainsi que dans des organismes de toxicomanie et de santé mentale.
OPSEU/SEFPO Mental Health and Addictions Division / Division de la sante mentale et des toxicomanies de l'OPSEU/SEFPO

Celebrate CMHA Mental Health Week, May 2-8

During this week we encourage all members in the mental health and addictions division to use their social media platforms to tell political party leaders to #GetReal2Heal and invest in mental health and addictions services.

All Ontarians should have access to life saving mental health and addictions services.

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OPSEU Healthcare Submissions

Mental Health and Addictions division executive

Ed Arvelin
[email protected]

Kurt Hehl Jr.
Vice Chair
[email protected]

Lori Graham
[email protected]

Cindy Ladouceur
[email protected]

Shane Wakeford
Membership Coordinator
[email protected]

Tischa Forster
Public Policy & Campaigns Coordinator
[email protected]

Justin Legros
Bargaining Coordinator
[email protected]

Mark Halabecki
Communications Coordinator
[email protected]

Kathy Moreau
Health, and Safety Coordinator
[email protected]

Michelle English
Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator
[email protected]

Your Employer

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Conseil divisionnaire des soins de santé

Waypoint : Rester en sécurité, être en sécurité

Support Mental Health Week May 2-8

OPSEU is encouraging all of its members to mark Mental Health Week on their calendars. This is an important week for all Canadians, not just those suffering mental health issues.  It is also an opportunity to educate ourselves about how our mental health impacts our overall health.