OPSEU: Lower dues, bigger benefits
OPSEU’s dues are among the lowest in the country – just 1.375 per cent of your pay.
And they’ve been that way for a long time.
Why? Because OPSEU members are in total control of their dues – they don’t go up unless members vote to make them go up.
But low dues don’t mean less service.
That’s because OPSEU is focused exclusively on workers just like you – Ontario public sector workers. We’re able to dedicate all of our resources, expertise and experience to improving your wages, your working conditions, and the quality of mental health care you can provide.
Your OPSEU dues get you:
- More than 300 lawyers, professionals and labour experts who specialize in Ontario bargaining, grievance handling, pensions, pay equity, benefits, health and safety, human rights, communications, education, research, organizing and more.
- All expenses paid, including travel, accommodation and meals for bargaining, grievance hearings, education, conventions and conferences. Your Local doesn’t have to cover any of the essential “big ticket” items.
- Skills training and education so you and your co-workers can run an effective Local and participate in the decisions affecting the union.
- The ability to “book off” members to do union work without losing pay.
- Skilled and experienced representation if your employer violates your contract.
- A large number of member discounts on things like insurance, cell phone plans, tickets, and travel