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Choose OPSEU Infographic, October 13-15, Vote Days.

Choose OPSEU: Vote info for Oct. 14-15

What am I voting for?

You’re voting to choose the union that will represent you from now on.

It’s vital to remember that you are NOT voting on which of the two current collective agreements you’ll have after the vote. You’ll keep your current contract.

You are voting for the union that will best help you and your co-workers bargain a new contract that contains the best wages and working conditions of both current contracts.

With decades of experience in child and family mental health, and experience bargaining dozens of merged contracts, OPSEU has the strength of experience you need.

When do I vote?

Voting begins on October 14, 2020 at 9:00 am and closes on October 15, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

How do I vote?

You can vote online or by telephone.

Eligible voters will receive a personal identification number (PIN) by email before voting begins. The PIN is strictly for personal use and must not be shared. A valid PIN is required to vote.

What if I don’t receive a PIN number or cannot access my PIN?

Call the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) Help Desk at: 437-388-3874

• October 14, 2020, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
• October 15, 2020, 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm

Leave a detailed message with your full name, contact information, and OLRB case number (No: 0500-20-PS), and a Labour Relations Officer will respond as soon as possible.

Will my employer or co-workers know how I voted?

No. The vote will be held by secret ballot. Voters are entitled to vote without interference, restraint or coercion.

Question on the ballot

The ballot that will be provided to voters contains the following question:

In your employment relations with Strides Toronto Support Services, do you wish to be represented by:

Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU)


United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 175 (UFCW)