Dernières nouvelles
- 31 octobre 2024
The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP), OPTrust, and University Pension Plan (UPP) recently commissioned the Conference Board of Canada to analyze the economic impact of Defined Benefit (DB) pension plan payouts in Ontario. The results are impressive: Defined Benefit pensions not only provide Ontarians with better retirement outcomes but also benefit the entire Canadian...
- 18 juin 2024
Votre rente augmente! Le régime HOOPP vous aide à profiter encore davantage de votre retraite! Un des régimes de retraite les plus solides au Canada, le HOOPP a à cœur de respecter ses engagements envers ses participants afin de vous procurer un revenu de retraite sûr et fiable. C’est pourquoi nous sommes heureux de vous...
- 15 mars 2024
TORONTO, March 12, 2024 – OPTrust today released its 2023 Funded Status Report, People. Purpose. Pensions., which details the Plan’s financial results and funded status. In 2023, OPTrust remained fully funded for the 15th consecutive year and achieved a net investment return of 5.3 per cent. Over the past 10 years, the Plan’s average net investment...