Community Agencies Sector Bylaws

Community Agencies Sector Bylaws


Article 1 – Name

1.1 This Sector shall be known as Sector 5 Community Agencies of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU).

Article 2 – Interpretation and Abbreviations

2.1 “Union” means the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), and not any subsidiary body.

2.2 “Sector” refers to the OPSEU Community Agencies Sector of the Broader Public Service (BPS).

2.3 “Constitution” refers to the Constitution of the Union.

2.4 “Office” refers to an elected office within the sector.

2.5 “Chair” refers to the Chair of this sector.

2.6 “Executive” refers to the Sector Executive Committee.

2.7 “Executive Board” refers to the Executive Board of the Union.

2.8 “Local” or “Unit” refers to a single unit local or a unit of a multi-unit or composite local composed of members employed by a Community Agency. These include employers formerly known as 5(a) Children and Family Services, 5(b) Child Care, 6 (a) Community Agencies, and 12 Legal Services.

Article 3 – Headquarters

3.1 The Headquarters of the Sector and the Union shall be the same and set out as in Article of the OPSEU 3.1 Constitution.

Article 4 – Aims and Purposes

4.1 The aims and purposes of the Sector shall be:

a) to develop, coordinate and/or promote regional and/or province wide sector Union activities

b) to participate with labour unions and union groups and other organizations to promote the aims and purposes and goals of the Union as set out in the Constitution; and

c) to promote and assist with organizing opportunities within the Community Agencies Sector

d) to bring together members of the Community Agencies Sector to discuss matters of common interest and formulate policies and positions on matters of concern to our members and promote them within the union

e) to advance common interests of members of the Community Agencies Sector wherever possible, by all appropriate means.

Article 5 – Sector Administration

5.1 The authority for the formation and activities of the Sector are set out in Article 21 of OPSEU’s Constitution.

5.2  Membership Dues shall be set by the Sector Executive Committee, to be ratified at a Sector meeting. There shall be no dues collected until set by the Sector Executive Committee and ratified by the Delegates at a Sector meeting and all Locals/Units will be considered in good standing until such time as this meeting occurs.

5.3 Locals/Units of the Sector who pay their dues shall be considered to be in good standing.

5.4 Membership dues are payable January 1 of each year.

Article 6 – Jurisdiction

6.1 Locals and Units comprised of members of the Union who are employed by a Community Agency. These include agencies formerly known as 5(a) Children and Family Services, 5(b) Child Care, 6 (a) Community Agencies, and 12 Legal Services.

Article 7 – Membership and Membership Rights

7.1 Any Local or Unit as defined in Article 6.1 shall be deemed to be a member of the Sector.

7.2 Every Local or Unit which has paid their dues and is in good standing is entitled to send Delegates to:

a) participate in the business of the Sector with full voting privileges;

b) run for office within the Sector; and

c) receive a copy of the Bylaws of the Sector, be advised of amendments to it, and receive an updated copy whenever it is compiled and reprinted.

7.3 Every Local or Unit which has not paid dues and is not in good standing is entitled to send Delegates to:

a) participate in the business of the Sector without voting privileges;

b) can not run for office within the Sector; and

c) Receive a copy of the Bylaws of the Sector, be advised of amendments to it, and receive an updated copy whenever it is compiled and reprinted.

7.4 Delegate entitlement, funded by Head Office, from Locals/Units to Sector Meetings shall be according to the “Convention Formula” as per Article 13.4 of the OPSEU Constitution, so that members from each bargaining unit will have at least (1) one Delegate representative at Sector meetings, except that the Local President will be the first Delegate providing that his/her unit is represented by the Sector, in Locals where the Local President is from another unit the Unit Steward shall be the first Delegate.

7.5 Sector Executive Committee members shall be automatic Delegates to Sector Meetings over and above their Locals/Units entitlement.

Article 8 – Meetings

8.1 Meetings or Conference Calls of the Sector will be called from time to time in compliance with the Policy or Policies of the Union.

8.2 A quorum for Sector Meetings shall 50 (%) per cent of the Delegates registered and entitled to vote.  Should the Executive Board change the required percentage, this Article will be amended accordingly.

8.3 The order of business for all meetings shall be;

1) Call to Order
2) Statement of Respect
3) Adoption of Agenda
4) Minutes of Previous Meeting
5) Business arising from pervious minutes
6) Treasurer’s Report
7) Reports
8) New Business
9) Adjournment

8.4 Meetings or Conference Calls of the Sector Executive will be held quarterly, however, an emergency meeting can be called at any time by the Chair of the Sector.

8.5 The Sector shall follow the Rules of Order as set out in the Constitution.  In matters not covered by the Constitution, Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply.

8.6 Delegates/Representatives to Sector Meetings must provide all expense claim forms to OPSEU Head Office for Sector business as per OPSEU policy within three (3) months of the meeting/activity for which expenses are claimed. Expenses will be covered as per OPSEU policy as amended.

Article 9 – Executive Committee

9.1 The Executive Committee shall be comprised of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/ Treasurer and one Member-At-Large. Together they shall comprise the Executive Committee.

9.2 The Executive Committee shall be elected by and from the Delegates at a Sector Meeting for a period of two years. Executive Officers will be elected by a clear majority of ballots cast.

9.3 An Alternate Vice-Chair, Alternate Secretary/Treasurer and one Alternate Member-At-Large will also be elected by and from the Delegates at a Sector meeting for a period of two years. Alternates will be elected by majority.

9.4 Should an Executive Officer position become permanently vacant the Alternate shall be called to fill the vacancy, with the exception of the Chair position that shall be filled by the Vice-Chair, who will then be replaced by the Alternate Vice-Chair.

9.5 Any Executive Officer who is absent for three (3) consecutive Executive meetings without an explanation reasonable to the Chair of the Executive Committee shall be deemed to have resigned their position on the Executive Committee.

Article 10 – Duties of Officers of the Sector Committee

10.1 The Chair of the Sector Committee or the Chair designee shall:

a) represent the Sector at the Sector Chairs Committee;

b) attend all regular meetings of the Executive, as necessary;

c) enforce compliance with the bylaws and regulations of the Sector;

d) preside at sector meetings;

e) be an ex-officio member of all Sector Committees;

f) generally supervise the affairs and operations of the Sector; and

g) carry out such other duties as may be prescribe by the Sector Bylaws.

10.2 The Vice-Chair shall:

a) attend all meetings of the Executive and Sector;

b) in the absence of the Chair, perform all duties and functions of the Chair; and,

c) accept and exercise such other duties as may be designated by the Executive or the Chair.

10.3 The Secretary/Treasurer shall:

a) attend all meetings of the Sector and the Executive and keep minutes;

b) accept and exercise such other duties as may be designated by the Executive or the Chair;

c) be responsible for the proper administration of the operating funds of the Sector;

d) present financial reports at Executive meetings

e) within ten (10) days following the expiration of the term of office, the Secretary/Treasurer shall turn over to the incoming Secretary/Treasurer all properties and assets, including books and records belonging to the Union and/or the Sector.

Executive Committee Member-at-Large
10.4 The Executive Committee Member-at-Large shall have, in addition to their work on the Executive Committee, assignments that may be assigned from time to time by the Executive Committee.

Article 11 – Sector Finances

11.1 The authority for the formation and activities of the Sector are set out in Article 21 of the     OPSEU Constitution.

11.2 The signing officers shall be any two (2) of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer.

11.3 The fiscal year of the Sector shall coincide with that of the Union.

11.4 Yearly dues shall be one dollar person, due on January 1st of each year through the collection of the above dues, the Sector Executive seeks to facilitate Sector hospitality during large events such as Convention or the BPS, as well as fund the rental of space in order to be able to facilitate the above.  Dues may also be used to have a guest speaker facilitate an educational for Sector 5 members.  The dues collection will also allow the Sector Executive to be more readily available to affiliated Locals and Sector Membership as well as cover any additional costs not covered by the Sector 5 central budget.

Article 12 – Trustees

12.1 Two Trustees shall be elected by and from the Delegates at the Sector Meeting.  A person holding the office of Trustee shall not hold any other office with the Sector.

12.2 The Trustees shall examine all financial books and records of the Sector at least once every six months.

12.3 The Trustees shall report on their review to the Executive Committee and to the next Sector Meeting.

12.4 The Trustees shall file an audit report, in a form specified by Head Office, to Head Office once every 6 months.

Article 13 – Ad Hoc Committees

13.1 From time to time it may become necessary for the Executive Officers to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee for a specific purpose. In this instance, the Executive Officers will establish terms of reference for the Ad Hoc Committee.

13.2 Ad Hoc Committees established in 13.1 shall be for a set period of time as decided by the Executive Officers and shall report on their progress regularly and at Sector Meetings.

Article 14 – General

14.1 These Bylaws may be amended only by a two thirds majority of the Delegates present and voting at a Sector Meeting.

14.2 The Bylaws and all amendments shall be subject to the approval of the President of the Union before coming into force.

14.3 In all matters not specifically dealt with above, or where conflict arises, these Bylaws shall be subject to the provisions of the Constitution and such Policies as are enunciated by the Executive Board.

Approved: "original signed by" Date: April 26, 2016

President, OPSEU